Sports Injuries

A broad spectrum of sports/activity related injuries can occur within a knee joint. These may include ligamentous injuries to the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament as well as injury to collateral ligaments and the muscle tendons around the knee. Structures within the knee such as the meniscus can be torn and on occasion more serious injury to the cartilage surface can occur. Patella dislocation can also occur.
Associate Professor Harvie has experience is assessing all such sports injuries. The surgical management of sports-related injuries is diverse and whilst he has training with the majority he may decide to refer you to another colleague within the Hobart Orthopaedic Group for further opinion. Associate Professor Harvie has a specific interest in managing large cartilage defects that can occur around the knee. He uses a technique called OATS – Ostechondral Autologous Transport System and can discuss this with appropriate patients.